Superior Administration Technician
National Projects Section

+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56414


Degree in Economics from the Universidad de Cantabria and collegiate economist since 2012, and Master in Taxation from the same University in 2015.

During her professional career, Ana has worked in different fields, such as a consulting firm in the construction sector as well as in the field of accounting and tax consultancy. She has complemented her training with continued attendance at numerous courses given by various bodies in the sector such as the Professional Association of Accountants and Tax Experts, the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors or the College of Economists of Cantabria.

Since November 2018, Ana has been part of the IHCantabria staff within the Research and Technology Transfer Management Unit. She dedicates her work mainly to the Management of National R&D Plan Agreements and Projects, collaborating in the elaboration, management, administration and economic-administrative justification of national research projects.