Head of Hydraulic, Coastal and Offshore Laboratories.


+34 942 20 16 16 Ext. 56266



Álvaro Álvarez Vázquez holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad de Cantabria, after completing his Final Project at the University of Kansas (USA) in 2001. He has a Master’s degree in Information and Communication Technologies in Mobile Networks from the Universida de Cantabria, and is in the process of completing his PhD. During nine years he developed his career in the field of private enterprise, assuming various responsibilities in the company Acorde Technologies S.A., where he became Head of Division, after having passed through the direction of the R & D Department, participating and coordinating more than twenty projects, both European R & D, from the V to VII framework program, national CDTI or CENIT and regional, as industrial projects, for the implementation of sensor networks, or measurement instrumentation. He is the author of different journal articles, book chapters, a European patent and multiple contributions to congresses in the area of Information and Communication Technologies.

In 2011 he joined IHCantabria, with the fundamental objective of carrying out all the activities related to instrumentation and electronics necessary for the preparation, execution and evaluation of tests in the Cantabria Coastal and Ocean Basin (CCOB) laboratories. He also works as an Associate Professor at the University of Cantabria, giving classes in the Telecommunications Engineering degree.



Development and Optimization of small-scale physical modelling techniques.

Design and Development of Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems.

Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Laboratory.

Design and Development of Control Systems and Laboratory Equipment.