Adrián Acevedo is technologist and engineer of IHCantabria within the Marine Climate and Climate Change group and manager of IHData project, and he is working in IHCantabria from 2014. MsC in civil environmental engineer and MsC in Integrated Coastal Zone Management from the Universidad de Cantabria (2015).
A. has a wide experience on atmospheric and wave numerical modelling, the models are used to generate hindcast and forecast databases. He has also developed methods for climate characterization and variability, the results are used to estimate the design parameters for coastal and marine projects and to comply with standards. He has an expert level on WRF-ARW atmospheric model and SWAN wave model that have been used to provide support in the generation of climatic databases. The experience is based on his participation in more than 60 international and national projects for the last 8 years, he has also published and participated in research articles and conference proceedings.
Modelado atmosférico con el modelo WRF-ARW.
Sistemas operacionales de oleaje y viento.
Análisis estadístico de variables meteoceánográficas,
Cambio climático, variabilidad climática y caracterización del clima.
Energía eólica y undimotriz.
Acevedo, A., Menéndez, M., & Azorin-Molina, C. (2017). Análisis del recurso eólico marino en el archipiélago canario. XIV Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de costas y puertos. Alicante, España: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Acevedo, A., Menéndez, M., Tomas, A., Iturrioz, A., Acevedo, A., Menéndez, M., Tomas, A., & Iturrioz, A. (2019). A hybrid downscaling approach for short-term forecasting offshore surface atmospheric variables in coastal areas. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 21, EGU2019-17908,2019. EGU General Assembly 2019.
Acevedo, A., Menéndez, M., & Del Prado, D. (2019). IHData
Servicio de datos climáticos y mete-oceánicos. XV Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de costas y puertos. Torremolinos, España: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Azorin-Molina, C., Menendez, M., McVicar, T. R., Acevedo, A., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Cuevas, E., Chen, D. (2017). Wind speed variability over the Canary Islands, 1948-2014: focusing on trend differences at the land-ocean interface and below-above the trade-wind inversion layer. Climate Dynamics..
Azorin-Molina, C., Menendez, M., McVicar, T. R., Acevedo, A., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Cuevas, E., Chen, D., 2018: Tendencias de la velocidad del viento en Canarias, 1948-2014. In Montávez-Gómez J.P. et al. (Eds.), El clima: aire, agua, tierra y fuego. Universidad de Murcia, Cartagena (Spain), Spanish Climatological Society (AEC), ISBN 978-84-7837-098-6.
Camino F. de la Hoz, Elvira Ramos, Adrián Acevedo, Araceli Puente, Íñigo J. Losada, José A. Juanes, OCLE: A European open access database on climate change effects on littoral and oceanic ecosystems, Progress in Oceanography, Volume 168, 2018, Pages 222-231, ISSN 0079-6611,
Losada, I.J., Izaguirre, C., Acevedo, A., Camus, P., Castellanos, O., Cid, A., Espejo, A., Magaña, C. y Menendez, M., 2016. Generación de bases de datos climáticos para el análisis de riesgos en las costas de Santa Catarina (Brasil) [en línea]. S.l.: s.n. Disponible en:
Pinto, M. W., Klein, A. H. da F., Acevedo, A., & Menendez, M. (2021). Stabilization at Santinho-Ingleses dunefield, Southern Brazil: What will be the future of sediment input to Ingleses Beach? International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(8), 176–190.