Water Resources and Droughts Management
Despite its strategic importance and its immense socioeconomic transcendence, water is not generally managed as a scarce good. This fact is due, in part, to the difficulty of knowing with detail the space and temporary distribution of water flows
Although the quality and quantity of the initial data is essential to establish a framework of rationality and objectivity in decision-making, action measures cannot be derived from a mathematical algorithm within a computer program; it is at this moment when criteria of a socioeconomic, environmental, cultural nature, etc..
At IHCantabria, exhaustive knowledge of water resources, including their variation in space and time, is the starting point for any management and planning study.
In short, the management and planning of the water cycle is an activity that integrates a multitude of disciplines and methods, and that must be addressed through transversality, experience and participation for sustainable development.
Based on statistical tools and numerical models, the aim is to combine efficiency and equity criteria to propose complete solutions that combine the availability of resources with current and future demands.
Study of the water resources of the rivers of the northern slope of Cantabria
DATE: 2005
CLIENT: Waste Company of Cantabria. Government of Cantabria
WORK CARRIED OUT: Calculation of flows in natural regime, on a daily basis, in 57 points distributed in the 12 main rivers of the northern Cantabria basin, for the period between 1970 and 2003. For this purpose semi-distributed models of continuous simulation have been used. A specific algorithm has been developed to consider the snow resource.
Guide of good practices for the efficient management of municipal services of water supply. Application to the Principality of Asturias
DATE: 2009
CLIENT: Consorcio de Aguas de Asturias (CADASA)
WORK CARRIED OUT: Proposals for improvement in the management of water services of the Principality of Asturias, based on an analysis of the general situation of the supply systems of the region and the approach of water saving measures and improvement of efficiency thereof.
Program of measures of the Hydrological Plan 2010-2015
CLIENT: Ministry of Environment of the Government of Cantabria
WORK CARRIED OUT: Analysis of the results of public participation linked in the basins of the northern slope of Cantabria for the elaboration of the program of measures of the Hydrological Plan 2010-2015.
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Researcher || Expert in water resources management

Researcher || Expert in water resources management
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