IHCantabria joins the aid collection campaign of the University of Cantabria for those affected by the hurricane DANA

University of Cantabria Campus
Staff of the University of Cantabria will collect donations at the Sports Pavilion of the Las Llamas campus, in Santander, and at the EPI of Mines and Energy, in Torrelavega.
The University of Cantabria (UC) will set up spaces on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5, both in the Sports Pavilion on the campus of Las Llamas and in the Polytechnic School of Engineering (EPI) of Mines and Energy on the campus of Torrelavega, for the collection of donations from members of the university community for the victims of the DANA both in the Valencian Community and the rest of the affected territories.
The institution thus joins, after talks with the regional government and the municipalities of Santander and Torrelavega, the campaign coordinated by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), and in which, as established, will be collected water, milk, cans of tuna and the like, cold cuts and personal hygiene items such as sanitary napkins and diapers.
Pick-up times will be: from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Sports Pavilion and from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the EPI of Mines and Energy.
The rector, Ángel Pazos, has appealed to the solidarity of the members of the university community to join, to the extent of the possibilities of each one, to this campaign to collect basic necessities.
“In addition to this effort, I believe that universities can be very useful in the second phase of this catastrophe: reconstruction,” said Pazos in a letter addressed to the deans of the institution.